
We are an innovation center that offers free courses in the ICT field and cultural field. Our courses aim to provide students with knowledge about cultural history while also developing their soft skills.


We offer a variety of courses in the ICT field.Our courses cover topics such as programming, web development, digital marketing,and more.

man writing on white paper
man writing on white paper
ICT Field

In addition to technical skills, we also offer courses to develop soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity.

In the field of culture, we are focused on preserving culture and promoting it through technology, ensuring that every tourist who comes has the opportunity to see our culture.

Soft Skills
monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming

Purpose of InnovationSkills

man writing on white board
man writing on white board
Professional Training of Yound People
three person using laptops
three person using laptops
Reducing Interethnic Differences
person touching and pointing MacBook Pro
person touching and pointing MacBook Pro
Reducing Gender Disparities